
A gallery is composed of a succession of sections as you can see on this wonderfully totally uninteresting example gallery. This gallery is split in 5 sections:

  • a full screen picture with text written on it
  • a picture with borders around it
  • a group of 5 pictures
  • and a full-screen picture without text on it this time

In your settings.yaml, a section will always have a type key that will describe its kind and additional data. Underneath, the type key is actually the name of an HTML template and the other data will be passed to this template.

You can find all the section templates here:

You often have an image key. You need to give it a path to the actual file. By convention, those files are put inside your gallery folder but this is not mandatory.

Full Screen picture

This displays a full screen picture as shown in the example gallery in the first and last sections. How you should use it:

With text:

- type: full-picture
  image: big_picture.jpg
    title: Big picture title
    sub_title: Some text
    date: 2016-01-15
    date_end: 2016-01-24 (Optional)

Without text:

- type: full-picture
  image: big_picture.jpg

If you want a fixed background you can use this option (only with the exposure theme):

- type: full-picture
  fixed: true

The background_position setting can be used to control how the image is centered when it doesn’t fit the screen width. This is useful for controlling the center accross different screen sizes (e.g. mobile), keeping the focal element of an image always visible. This sets the background-position css property. This feature is supported by the “exposure” theme. Example:

- type: full-picture
  image: big_picture.jpg
  background_position: 75%

Bordered picture

This displays a centred picture that is surrounded by white (the background) as shown in the second position of the example gallery.

How to use it:

- type: bordered-picture
  image: another_picture.jpg

Group of pictures

This displays a group of zoomable pictures on one or multiple lines as shown on the fourth position (after the text) of the example gallery:

- type: pictures-group
      - image1.jpg
      - image2.jpg
      - image3.jpg
      - image4.jpg
      - image5.jpg

The first level - represents a row of pictures. The second level - represents the list of images in this line.

Known bug: the images are left aligned, so if you don’t put enough images on a row, you’ll have some white space on the right.


This displays some centred text as shown on the third position of the example gallery. HTML is allowed inside the text.

How to use it:

- type: text
  text: Some text, HTML <b>is allowed</b>.


This displays a h2 title followed by text. HTML is allowed inside the text. If no title is declared, a separator is added.

How to use it:

- type: paragraph
  title: the title
  text: Some text, HTML <b>is allowed</b>.

Since version 0.5 you can add a floating image in the paragraph:

- type: paragraph
  title: the title
  text: Some text, HTML <b>is allowed</b>.
    name: image.jpg
    float: right
    size: 150px

By default if you don’t set float and size the image will be on left with a size of 250px.


This section is for raw html that will be centred (for example: inlining an OSM iframe).

How to use it:

- type: html
  html: <tag>some html stuff</html>


This displays a very large picture that can be drag-and-dropped.

How to use it:

- type: panorama
  image: 7.jpg


This section is for adding an audio file playable with the HTML5 player.:

- type: audio
  title: Title of song
  image: song.ogg
  color: "#000" (optional)


This section is for describing the author of the story:

- type: author
  name: Adrien Beudin
  text: Some text
  image: IMG_20150725_200941.jpg
  twitter: beudbeud (Optional)
  facebook: beudbeud (Optional)
  website: (Optional)


This section makes your embed iframes responsive:

- type: iframe
  name: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


To use quote blocks easily:

- type: quote
  text: This is a quote

Advanced options

Image caption

Prosopopée supports captions for images, you can use it on bordered-picture and pictures-group.

Example on bordered-picture:

- type: bordered-picture
  image: another_picture.jpg
  text: This is a caption

And on pictures-group:

- type: pictures-group
      - name: image1.jpg
        text: This is a caption
      - image2.jpg
      - image3.jpg
      - image4.jpg
      - image5.jpg

Background settings

For all sections, you can define the background.

Example for background colour:

- type: bordered-picture
  background: "#555"
  image: another_picture.jpg

or you can use a picture:

- type: text
  background: "url(background_picture.jpg)"
  text: Some text

Text color settings

For text, html and paragraph sections, you can also define the text colour.


- type: bordered-picture
  color: "#333"

Video support

For bordered-picture, full-picture and pictures-group, it’s possible to use video instead of pictures. You have to specify with the “type” key that it’s a video.

The video will be converted using either ffmpeg or avconv (depending on the one specified in the settings, ffmpeg being the default one).

Example for pictures-group:

- type: pictures-group
      - name: video.mp4
        type: video
      - image1.jpeg
      - image2.jpeg
      - image3.jpeg
      - image4.jpeg

Example for bordered-picture:

- type: bordered-picture
    name: video.mp4
    type: video

And for full-picture:

- type: full-picture
    name: video.mp4
    type: video
    title: Title Text
    sub_title: Sub title text
    date: 2016-03-11
    date_end: 2016-03-25

If you want enable the controls:

- type: bordered-picture
    name: video.mp4
    type: video
    controls: true

You can also use a video as a gallery cover:

title: pouet
sub_title: plop
  name: video.mp4
  type: video